The Open SourceFirebase Alternative

Create a backend in less than 2 minutes. Start your project with a Postgres Database, Authentication, instant APIs, Realtime subscriptions and Storage.

Serverless functions coming soon

backed by

Y CombinatorMozillaCoatue

Build faster and focus on your products


Every project is a full Postgres database, the world's most trusted relational database.
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Add user sign ups and logins, securing your data with Row Level Security.
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Store, organize, and serve large files. Any media, including videos and images.
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Write custom code and cron jobs without deploying or scaling servers.
Coming soon
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Join the community

Supported by a network of early advocates, contributors, and champions.


"DB/Backend: @supabase_io Reason: Takes care of Auth, DB hosting, API. Open source, easy to eject into something else. I love SQL. Cloud IDE is incredible for productivity."


"Been trying out this new stack. Loving it so far. Next.js (Frontend) + Stitches.js (Styling) + Radix (Primitives & Icons) + Supabase (Backend) + Vercel (Deployment) ๐Ÿ˜ Thank you @vercel @Modulz @supabase_io for this amazing DX."




"@supabase_io is amazing, super easy to get up and running quickly + they have multiple examples with various frameworks (chat app, auth, etc)"


"Been playing with @supabase_io and so far I'm liking it. I โค๏ธ you get full access to the database. It's very quick to get up and running, seems a nice fit for prototypes or smaller apps"


"Using @supabase_io with SWR by @vercel is something else ๐Ÿ”ฅ"


"big props to the @supabase_io team - open source is a two way street and theyโ€™re super responsive & community oriented"


"Enjoying building on @supabase_io for a project with @lasnindrek - allows incredible development speed when bashing together an MVP"


"Been actively working on Quill. It's been rapid, thanks to @supabase_io and @tailwindui"


"@supabase_io not only is it Firebase alternative, but it has SQL and it uses #elixirlang for handling realtime ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ @josevalim did you know that? That's power of your creation ๐Ÿ˜Ž"


"Another month, another impressive @supabase_io release. Itโ€™s rare to see a startup ship in public so consistently."


"There are a lot of indie hackers building in public, but itโ€™s rare to see a startup shipping as consistently and transparently as Supabase. Their upcoming March releases look to be ๐Ÿ”ฅ Def worth a follow! also opened my eyes as to how to value add in open source."


"This weekend I made a personal record ๐Ÿฅ‡ on the less time spent creating an application with social login / permissions, database, cdn, infinite scaling, git push to deploy and for free. Thanks to @supabase_io and @vercel"


"I'm excited to know that there's a Firebase alternative OSS project, @supabase_io. It's not a mere copy, you can use Postgre. I like Firebase but always miss the power of SQL."


"Thatโ€™s the best part of @supabase_io! No vendor lock ๐Ÿ˜Ž"


"Just span up a @supabase_io app for my new side project. Honestly thinking the tagline "Firebase Alternative" should really be "A Far Superior Firebase Alternative". Love writing SQL in the cloud! Big love โค๏ธ"


"Lack of count in firebase/firestore is such a nightmare and workaround solutions are crappy. I experienced it while implementing good job Supabase ๐Ÿ‘"


"Looking for a Firebase alternative? Consider using the open-source @supabase_io. It's as simple as Firebase but I found the dashboard UX more intuitive and hey it's OSS! It's in beta so you can use it for free rn."


"Me using @supabase_io for the first time right now ๐Ÿคฏ"


"I'm trying @supabase_io, Firebase alternative that uses PostgreSQL (and you can use GraphQL too) in the cloud. It's incredible ๐Ÿ˜"


"Check out this amazing product @supabase_io. A must give try #newidea #opportunity"


"I gave @supabase_io a try this weekend and I was able to create a quick dashboard to visualize the data from the PostgreSQL instance. It's super easy to use Supabase's API or the direct DB connection. Check out the tutorial ๐Ÿ“–"


"Tried @supabase_io for the first time yesterday. Amazing tool! I was able to get my Posgres DB up in no time and their documentation on operating on the DB is super easy! ๐Ÿ‘ Can't wait for Cloud functions to arrive! It's gonna be a great Firebase alternative!"


"10/100 All day i was migrating my project from firebase to @supabase_io Because it is perfect and simple!!! I like design and API for understandable. There are in BETA now. Just try!๐Ÿงช"


"I gave @supabase_io a try today and I was positively impressed! Very quick setup to get a working remote database with API access and documentation generated automatically for you ๐Ÿ‘Œ 10/10 will play more"


"Wait. Is it so easy to write queries for @supabase_io ? It's like simple SQL stuff!"


"Jeez, and @supabase_io have native support for magic link login?! I was going to use for this But if I can get my whole DB + auth + magic link support in one... Awesome"


"@MongoDB or @MySQL?!?! Please, let me introduce you to @supabase_io and the wonderful world of @PostgreSQL before it's too late!!"


"Where has @supabase_io been all my life? ๐Ÿ˜"


"Honestly Supabase is such a killer Firebase alternative."


"I think you'll love @supabase_io :-) Open-source, PostgreSQL-based & zero magic."


"@supabase_io is the answer to all of firebaseโ€™s problems imo"


"@supabase_io is insane."


"Itโ€™s fun, feels lightweight, and really quick to spin up user auth and a few tables. Almost too easy! Highly recommend."


"Iโ€™m probably the wrong person to ask because I pick tools based on UX. Supabase was immediately approachable: instant setup, fast web app, auth, and easy APIs. Same reason I liked Firebase when I first discovered."


"Now things are starting to get interesting! Firebase has long been the obvious choice for many #flutter devs for the ease of use. But their databases are NoSQL, which has its downsides... Seems like @supabase_io is working on something interesting here!"


"Honestly, I really love what @supabase_io is doing, you don't need to own a complete backend, just write your logic within your app and you'll get a powerful Postgresql at your disposal."


"Next.js, @supabase_io, @stripe, and @vercel. Supastackโ„ข"


"I've really enjoyed the DX! Extremely fun to use, which is odd to say about a database at least for me."


"Supabase team is doing some awesome stuff #supabase #facts @supabase_io"


"Did a website with @supabase_io last week with no prior experience with it. Up and running in 20 minutes. It's awesome to use. Thumbs up"


"Next.js, @supabase_io, @stripe, and @vercel. Supastackโ„ข"


"I just learned about @supabase_io and im in love ๐Ÿ˜ Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative! EarListen (& react) to database changes ๐Ÿ’ Manage users & permissions ๐Ÿ”ง Simple UI for database interaction"

What can you build with supabase?

There are many example apps and starter projects to get going

Svelte kanban board

A Trello clone using Supabase as the storage system.

Created by:joshnuss
NextJS Realtime chat app

NextJS Slack clone app using Supabase realtime subscriptions

Created by:supabase
Next.js Subscription and Auth

The all-in-one starter kit for high-performance SaaS applications.

Created by:Vercel
Expo Starter

Template bottom tabs with auth flow (Typescript)

Created by:codingki
NestJS example

NestJS example using Supabase Auth

Created by:hiro1107
ReactJS realtime chat app

Example app of real-time chat using supabase realtime api

Created by:shwosner

Instant APIs that do the hard work for you

We introspect your database to provide APIs instantly. Stop building repetitive CRUD endpoints and focus on your product.

TypeScript Support

Type definitions built directly from your database schema

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Install from CDN

Use Supabase in the browser without a build process

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Local emulator

Develop locally and push to production when you're ready

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Supabase CLI

Manage Supabase projects from your local machine

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1import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'
3// Initialize 
4const supabaseUrl = ''
5const supabaseKey = 'public-anon-key'
6const supabase = createClient(supabaseUrl, supabaseKey)
8// Create a new user
9const { user, error } = await supabase.auth.signUp({
10  email: '',
11  password: 'example-password',
1import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'
3// Initialize 
4const supabaseUrl = ''
5const supabaseKey = 'public-anon-key'
6const supabase = createClient(supabaseUrl, supabaseKey)
8// Get notified of all new chat messages
9const realtime = supabase
10  .from('messages')
11  .on('INSERT', message => {
12    console.log('New message!', message)
13  })
14  .subscribe()
1import '@supabase/supabase-js'
3// Initialize 
4const supabaseUrl = ''
5const supabaseKey = 'public-anon-key'
6const supabase = createClient(supabaseUrl, supabaseKey)
8// Get public rooms and their messages
9const publicRooms = await supabase
10  .from('rooms')
11  .select(`
12    name,
13    messages ( text )
14  `)
15  .eq('public', true)
1import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'
3// Initialize 
4const supabaseUrl = ''
5const supabaseKey = 'public-anon-key'
6const supabase = createClient(supabaseUrl, supabaseKey)
8// Create a new chat room
9const newRoom = await supabase
10  .from('rooms')
11  .insert({ name: 'Supabase Fan Club', public: true })
1import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'
3// Initialize 
4const supabaseUrl = ''
5const supabaseKey = 'public-anon-key'
6const supabase = createClient(supabaseUrl, supabaseKey)
8// Update multiple users
9const updatedUsers = await supabase
10  .from('users')
11  .eq('account_type', 'paid')
12  .update({ highlight_color: 'gold' })

Build your app without leaving the dashboard

Manage your data with the familiarity of a spreadsheet

You donโ€™t have to be a database expert to use Supabase. Our table editor makes Postgres easy to use, even for non-techies. You can do everything right in our dashboard.

In-built SQL editor for when you need greater control

Write, save, and execute SQL queries directly on our dashboard, with templates to save you time. Run common queries and even build applications using our growing list of templates.

User management as straight-forward as it can be

Easily manage your users with Supabase Auth, with email logins, magic links, and third-party logins. Create complex access policies with SQL rules to fit your unique business needs.

Build in a weekend, scale to millions