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Invokes a Supabase Function. See the guide for details on writing Functions.

final res = await supabaseClient.functions.invoke('hello', body: {'foo': 'baa'});
final data =;
final error = res.error;


  • Requires an Authorization header.
  • Invoke params generally match the Fetch API spec.


Basic invocation.

final res = await supabaseClient.functions.invoke('hello', body: {'foo': 'baa'});
final data =;
final error = res.error;

Specifying response type.

By default, invoke() will parse the response as JSON. You can parse the response in the following formats: json, blob, text, and arrayBuffer.

final res = await supabaseClient.functions.invoke(
body: {'foo': 'baa'},
responseType: ResponseType.text,
final data =;
final error = res.error;

Parsing custom headers.

Any headers will be passed through to the function. A common pattern is to pass a logged-in user's JWT token as an Authorization header.

final res = await supabaseClient.functions.invoke(
body: {'foo': 'baa'},
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ${supabase.auth.session()?.access_token}'